Home » There Are No Laws But God’s

There Are No Laws But God’s

by Natalia
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Imagine a person we shall name as Harry who is fearful about air travel. For this reason Harry has decided never to get on an airplane. Some years ago Harry read about a plane crash where upon impact the jet fuel ignited and the resulting explosion burned the 500+ passengers to death. After reading these gory details, Harry decided never to get on an airplane again. dailyleadcampaign He decided that plane travel is too dangerous.

Further suppose that Harry lives in New York and has decided to take a trip to Los Angeles. Harry decides to drive himself to Los Angeles from New York. Of course Harry could have taken a bus or train. Each of these methods would have kept him on the ground which is the deciding factor.

Most of us know that it is much safer statistically to fly the 3,000 mile trip than it is to drive. Yet Harry, due to his decision regarding plane travel has decided to drive. It will take Harry several days as opposed to the five hour nonstop flight time. expoera There will also be much wear and tear on Harry’s car as of course he will have to make another 3,000 mile trip on his return.

Harry has created a law within his mind. By this law Harry is unable to get on an airplane. Now this is an unusual way of looking at the concept of law, however please take a look at this. A law is a rule that seeks to inhibit action in some way. Doesn’t Harry’s law do the same thing?

This is an imaginary story, however consider the means under which Harry’s law was created. He read a something that created a fear within him. usmansamad He then made a decision based upon that fear. Now if we look at his decision regarding the trip to Los Angeles we can see that his law is putting him in danger. I once read that a car traveling between Los Angeles and New York will have 33 accidents before a plane will have one accident. Now at highway speeds, how many of those accidents will Harry survive? Thus, in terms of safety, Harry’s law puts him more at risk.

The purpose of this story is to look at the concept of belief. Once a person accepts a belief, that belief becomes like a law to that person. It doesn’t matter whether that belief has a fear behind it or not. Beliefs have that effect upon life. They either hinder life or broaden it. This story was created to show how a belief can hinder life. The purpose of this chapter is to introduce a belief that is to support broadening life.

The Law of God

The Law of God says that all things are good. This law is referring to Gods’ creations. This law supports you and me. Now you must accept this law and give less attention to the laws you made. Remember that through beliefs you create laws in your mind. This is where beautiful work can be done.

Law is to be understood as the way that things take form. businessemailbest An understanding is that some laws are physical, some are mental, some are made by humans, and finally there are laws of God. The word law is used here because it helps contain things.

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